Limoncello liqueur recipe – Two great Limoncello liqueur recipes

This Italian liqueur is very popular both in its homeland and worldwide. Thanks to the simple production technology and abundance of ingredients even beginners experience zero problems preparing this drink. This article covers the recipes of classic and cream liqueur.

Be diligent when choosing lemons as they should be fresh (no limp parts allowed) and fragrant. Liqueur’s aroma depends on it.

Classic Limoncello


  • 5-6 middle-sized lemons
  • 96% alcohol – 500 ml or 700 ml of vodka (40% moonshine)
  • Bottled water – 500 ml for alcohol and 300 ml for vodka
  • Sugar – 450 grams

The traditional production technology entails utilizing 96% grape alcohol as the alcohol base but in home conditions store-bought vodka or odorless purified moonshine is okay.


  1. Wash the lemons with warm water, wipe dry with paper towel, and then gently peel them by removing only the outer yellow part of the peel.

Warning! Don’t touch the white pulp or else the liqueur will become bitter.

  1. Put the peel into a 3-liter vessel, pour over with alcohol (vodka), and seal. Let it mature for 15 days in a warm place (18-25°C), away for direct sunlight (or you can cover it with thick fabric). Shake the vessel aggressively once a day.
  2. Filter the obtained infusion through a sieve or cheesecloth. Press the peel dry.
  3. Cook syrup: pour sugar into a cooking pot with warmed up water, bring it to a boil and cook on a medium heat for 3-5 minutes, skimming white foam. Cool the obtained syrup to room temperature.
  4. Mix the lemon infusion with the sugar syrup. Bottle the liqueur, seal it, and let it mature for 7 days in a cool dark place to enhance the taste.

Limoncello is meant to be drunk neat and chilled (with ice) or as part of cocktails. If it becomes cloudy filter it through a cotton wool.

It’s shelf-life away from direct sunlight is up to 5 years. 40% ABV.

Classic Limoncello

Creamy Limoncello

This liqueur variation is milder and sweeter compared to traditional.


  • 96% alcohol – 500 ml or 700 ml of vodka (40% moonshine)
  • 6-8 lemons
  • Sugar – 1 kilo
  • Fresh milk – 500 ml for alcohol and 300 ml for vodka
  • Dairy creams – 500 ml
  • Vanillin – 1 pinch (to taste)


  1. Put lemon peel (without white pulp) into a fermentation vessel, pour over with alcohol (vodka, moonshine), and seal. Let it mature for 15 days in a warm dark place. Shake the vessel once a day.
  2. Mix milk, dairy cream, and vanillin in a cooking pot. Bring it to a boil, remove from fire and add sugar. Stir the contents till sugar is completely dissolved and then cool it to room temperature.
  3. Filter the lemon infusion through cheesecloth (press the peels) and then combine the liquid part with milk mixture.
  4. Put the creamy Limoncello into a fridge for 10-12 days.

Cream Limoncello

Its shelf-life in a fridge is up to 1 year, but it should be consumed within 60-90 days. 30% ABV.

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