Elderberry Liqueur recipe – 2 Recipes from Berries and Flowers

In this article you will discover 2 great Elderberry Liqueur recipes, both were tested and worked very well! Any variety of red or black elderberries are suitable for elderberry liqueur. Vodka, moonshine or diluted ethanol (40-45%) can be used as the alcohol base. Using cognac or brandy is not the best option as it doesn’t go well with elderberries. Adding liquid honey instead of sugar is also an acquired taste.

Elderberry Liqueur

This liqueur has a characteristic “berry” taste and long-lasting aroma.


  • Elderberries – 1 kilo
  • Vodka – 1 liter
  • Sugar – 5 kilo
  • Water – 0.5 kilo

Elderberries should be ripe and mold-free. Before making the liqueur remove the berries from flower heads. Otherwise, the beverage will turn out bitter.


  1. Crush the berries and put the obtained paste into a fermentation vessel. Add sugar, stir, and seal the vessel. Leave it in a well-lit room with room temperature.
  2. Add water and alcohol base. Stir and seal, and then transfer it to a dark room. Leave it for 2 weeks. Shake the vessel once every 2-3 days.
  3. Filter the obtained elderberry liqueur through several layers of cheesecloth. Press the pulp well. Add sugar to taste (optional).
  4. Bottle the liqueur for storing. Leave it for 3-4 days in a fridge or cellar to let the taste stabilize. In case of settling or cloudiness filter it through cotton wool.

Its shelf-life is up to 5 years. 16-17% ABV.

Elderflower Liqueur Recipe

It’s a mildly potent drink with light floral and citrus flavor.


  • Elderflower – 15 buds
  • 5 lemons (medium sized)
  • Vodka – 1 liter
  • Sugar – 500 grams
  • Water – 500 ml

I suggest harvesting flowers during dry sunny weather. Don’t wash them to protect the nectar. You can gently dust them off and remove insects. Freshly harvested elderflowers should be used within a few hours.


  1. Wash the lemons in hot water and wipe them dry. Then peel the lemons, removing only the yellow part (get rid of the white pulp).
  2. Put the obtained lemon peels and flowers into a glass fermentation vessel and then pour in the freshly squeezed lemon juice (made from the peeled lemons). Pour in the alcohol base, stir, and seal. Leave the vessel in a dark room with room temperature.
  3. After one day, cook syrup from water and sugar (mix them in a cooking pot, bring to a boil and simmer for 3-5 minutes, skimming the froth; then cool it to room temperature).
  4. Pour cold syrup into the fermentation vessel with elderflowers and stir.
  5. After two days filter the infusion, removing elderflowers. Leave the lemon peels.
  6. Let it mature for 3 weeks and then filter the beverage through cheesecloth and cotton wool. You can additionally sweeten it with sugar.
  7. Bottle the drink for storing and seal it. Leave the bottles in a fridge or cellar for 2-3 days to let the taste stabilize.

Its shelf-life is up to 2 years (if stored away from direct sunlight). 19-20% ABV.

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